If you are thinking of an apartment you have the same options, to buy or rent, furnished or unfurnished, new or previously owned. All those choices will modify the price of the apartment. The least expensive option is a previously owned unfurnished apartment in a neighborhood outside the city. You can find surprising prices, for instance, I am selling one with 3 bedrooms for US$46,000. The down side of this option is that there will be more blackouts and noise in this area.
The most expensive option is an apartment located in the central zone of the city like: Naco, Piantini, Serralles, and Evaristo Morales, among others. Those kinds of apartments sometimes are furnished and most likely come with generators, lobby, parking spaces, and security staff and are constructed with premium materials. The price range is US$1,200 per square meters, so if you want an apartment of 200 meters you will most likely pay US$240,000 and will rent it for US$1,500.
If what you are looking for is beaches Dominican Republic has many options: the world known Punta Cana, Bayahibe, Puerto Plata and a paradise yet to be discovered by the world: Samana. The prices of these properties vary if they have beach front or by their distance from the beach. The closer to the beach, the higher the price will be. We cannot forget about the astonishing properties of Casa de Campo and Cap Cana with all the golf courses designed by the famous golf player Jack Nicklaus. These are perfect properties if you are coming for retirement in paradise.
Lastly, you need to find a reliable and qualified person to help you find those properties that can speak your language to help you mediate the purchase or rent negotiations. This person is a Real Estate Agent that ideally is associated with a know company, so you can avoid the numerous scams that are out there, because you won’t be able to read the deeds and you don’t know the Dominican laws, and that can make you an easy target for scams.
I hope I can help you find the property of your dreams and that I can answer any question not covered in this article. Go to my blog and leave me a comment or write me with your concerns.
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